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How an online tutor can help improve your subject knowledge

17 November 2022 Quick Guides

No matter where you are in your academic journey, working with a tutor is a fantastic way to help improve your grades.  Working with A Level Tutors such as chemistry tutors or online physics tutors has many advantages for students; however, arguably one of the biggest impacts they can have is on helping you to improve your subject knowledge.

Why is subject knowledge important?

When it comes to exams at GCSE or A Level stage, it’s not simply about putting the right answer or selecting from a list of multiple-choice answers. Instead, the strength of your answer i.e., how much depth you go into when constructing it, will determine how many marks you receive for each individual question.

If you have a good understanding of your subject, how different topic areas interlink and can be used to explain each other as well as support your answers, then you’re likely to get a better mark for each question. In turn, you will receive a better overall score, and thus a higher grade.  Working with a dedicated GCSE Tutor, for example, could help you take your predicted grade from a 5 to a 9.

But how exactly can an online tutor help you?

Student working on laptop with online tutor

Dedicated tutoring

The primary difference between a school-based science teacher, or maths teacher and an online science tutor or maths tutor is largely in the amount of time they must be able to focus on individual students.  A teacher is limited in the fact they have an entire classroom of students to teach and support – numbers which could range from 20 to 30 at any given time.  Not only that, but they’re limited in the amount of time they can spend on going over content, as they are charged with providing information based on the curriculum within a specific period.

A private tutor however does not have this same level of constraint when it comes to helping their students. Instead, online tutors will be able to deliberately move at a student’s pace, ensuring that information has been fully understood and absorbed before moving on to the next element.  There are no specific lesson plans that need to be adhered to, just a larger goal that the student is aiming to meet i.e., usually a grade improvement by a specific date.

This way sessions can be tailored specifically to your needs as the student.  If you’ve had a practical science lesson that day at school or college but have struggled to understand the content that has been provided, your private tutor will be able to go over that with you in your next session.  In such a way help is provided almost the instant you need it, which can help ensure there is no confusion or any risk of you falling behind in your physical lessons.

Female student studying on her laptop

No pressure

Many students report that working with tutors such as an online biology tutor, online chemistry tutor, or an online maths tutor can be a more relaxed experience than working with a face-to-face class teacher because there is a significant reduction in the pressure associated with the relationship.  Your day-to-day school or college teacher is responsible for setting lesson plans, delivering content, marking your work, and preparing you for preparation.  The same is true for all your classmates.  There is a lot of pressure on them to make lessons work, and as a result, a lot of pressure on students to perform.

Working in a classroom environment can be stressful for many students who often feel that pressure, whether it’s from the teacher directly or their peers.  Putting your hand up to ask a question or seek clarification about something you’re unsure of can feel like a daunting prospect.  No one wants to feel as though they’re the only person who doesn’t understand something, nor do they want to be the one who is holding a class up. However, clarification is an important part of the learning process – which means if you’re not doing it, you’re potentially missing out.

Working with A Level tutors or a GCSE tutor helps remove this pressure as the relationship is entirely one on one.  You can develop a good rapport with your tutor and know that you are free to ask questions, back track, go over something you’re not confident with or even ask around the subject.  As there is no time limit on these sorts of conversations and relevant detours you will have the opportunity to not only strengthen the immediate knowledge you have, but also enhance your knowledge around the subject.

Female student taking notes whilst working with tutor online

Improved attitude towards learning

Working with a personal online tutor can help improve your confidence, no matter what subject it is you’re studying.  As a result, many students find they have an improved attitude towards learning which they not only take with them into the classroom, but also take forward with them as they continue in education.

Such a change in attitude towards their studies often means that students are more willing to read around the subject and do some independent studying of their own.  This might mean a trip o the library to select out some relevant textbooks, asking for information on the best websites to look at for subject specific information or even watching tutorials on sites such as YouTube.

This open-minded approach to seeking out information plays a major role in improving subject knowledge and, as we’ve already discussed, helping to improve students’ confidence as well as their overall grades.

Find out more

Whether you’re looking for a maths and science tutor for GCSE or a biology tutor for A Level, here at Tutorspot we have the help you need.  The benefit of working with an online tutor means you can select the tutor who sounds best for you, depending on the experience you’re looking for, and are no longer hampered by location.  You could work with a tutor who happens to be around the corner, or one who is hundreds of miles away.

Find the right tutor for you with Tutorspot. You can find a tutor by emailing us at or giving us a call or text on 07480637128.

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